Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Discussing Politics on i-day

60 yrs ago we became independent...(i know u all hv good GK,but cudnt think of a better line to start...),the day is important enough to warrant a celebration,but as truly law-abiding citizens we decided to hv a small party on the eve of independence day...(remember today is a dry day..so dont even think of boozing.....),and for the fst time in my 1.5 yrs of MBA we discussed issues which are even important to the people sitting in the higher echelon of administration(dont laugh its not abt Brotain or protein or brittania or whatever....) I vaguely remember that the debate started with "sethusamundram" (still dont knw abt it) project and after 5-10 mins we all were discussing secularism,communalism,religion,politics......infact so involved was my half-conscious frnd in the debate..that he repeatedly labeled me "pseudo-secularist"(for my liberal views...i knw its a fad these days to have liberal views..but i seriously believe that i am certainly not a hardliner).....Finally the debate ended without any consensus on anything that was discussed.........and happily for the fst time in last few days,my personal life wasnt discussed,though ,sum passing references were made,but in general the wounds were allowed to heal in contrast to the other days....

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